Live of Groupon

We will choose one person to attempt to survive for one year with nothing but a laptop, cellphone, and an unlimited supply of Groupons. If successful, that person will receive

Nearly all human survival needs are covered by Groupon. You can get your daily nutritional content with a restaurant Groupon, and then immediately have a Groupon-accepting dentist floss that meal’s remains from your teeth. You can fortify your aortas with a Pilates deal, and protect yourself against rampaging hamburglars with a self-defense class.

In fact, the only barrier inhibiting Groupon staff from living exclusively off of Groupons is that our landlord won’t accept Groupons as rent for our mandatory, hyperbaric, on-site sleeping pods. For those of you who can survive without those, doesn’t the idea of living exclusively off of Groupons sound exhilarating?

The Details

First, say goodbye to your routine, your apartment, and your signed photo of Elvis punching Nixon. You’ll end your lease and put your stuff in storage. You’ll close your bank account, cut up your credit cards, and put your money in escrow. You’ll have nothing but a stack of Groupons and a suit of clothes made from Groupons.

We’ll give you a camera, phone, GPS, and computer to document your experience. We’ll expect you to blog most days. We’ll also give you unlimited Groupons in any of our 30 cities, including Groupons for lodging and transportation and special Groupons for cities that don’t exist yet.

If you last a year without breaking the rules, we’ll give you $100,000.

Who Should Apply

Who shouldn’t apply!? Probably everyone shouldn’t apply. We want to be honest from the beginning: this will be a catastrophic disruption to your life. You’ll be living out of hotels, eating a lot of sushi, and taking enough yoga classes to kill a small fox (which you may also have to do).

You’re going to have to be resourceful. For example, how will you use a Groupon if you need cash to cover tax and tip? We’ll give you access to the entire Groupon community so you can find dining partners who can cover the cash portion of a bill—so you better be comfortable around and legally permitted to meet strangers.

Also, we’re looking for someone who will be entertaining to watch succeed/suffer through this. Candidates need to be funny, social, and resourceful, so please indicate your scores in each of those categories on your resume.

It might sound hard, but remember the good stuff. You will have zero expenses for a year. You’ll get to travel across the country trying all the cool stuff we feature on Groupon. And you might get $100,000…in money.

The Ways We Are Cheating

We’re trying be as purist about this as possible, but even the most orthodox sects have a few loopholes (ask a Mennonite about DDR Night). These are the few compromises we are willing to make:

  • You can have healthcare
  • You get some basic equipment.
  • We’ll work out a few special Groupon deals for you with businesses we’ve featured in the past (such as hotels) to help make this challenge remotely feasible.

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

This could be you in one year!

(except you will still have a real head)

The Buzz

"One of the most ridiculous social-media promotions that any brand has attempted to pull off." - CNET

"An unusual job you might want to consider in your quest to reinvent yourself." - Washington Post