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March 23rd

Day 318

Across The Pond

With time winding down and my passport in hand, I fancy it’s about bloody time I get my arse out of this country. If you haven’t guessed already…I’ll be joining our neighbors “across the pond” for a spot of tea #britishaccent!

That's right...for the last year Groupon has been expanding across the globe

and on Monday 4/4, I will be leaving my mates here in the States and flying into London’s Heathrow Airport for what I can only hope amounts to nine days of silly walks.

I’ll be relying on you to hook me up with any blokes and birds you may know in the UK, so that I can start forming a social network overseas. Hopefully if I find myself in a pinch I’ll be able to facilitate some transatlantic trades with you all back home.

So now it’s time for me to bone up on my British accent and Cockney slang. I’d love to hear some of your favorites so I can add them to my vocabulary along with your best suggestions of things to do/see. Keep in mind that this will be my first time in Europe so any/all advice would be ace.

I may even have a Groupon for the best suggestion.



- The Groupawn


10 Responses to “Across The Pond”

  1. British and Science Museum is awesome and they’re free!
    Also there are New Europe Tours that is in London, they give a tour of royal london and it’s tips only so it doesn’t cost you really anything, however i would tell the tour guide who you were.

    Wish you were going later in April when I’ll be there, or else I’d say we could meet up! :)

    Are you planning to go anywhere else in Europe or are you staying around London?

  2. Sweet! So glad you are making international.

  3. Megan I. says:

    I sent you this info in a tweet as well, but just in case I wanted to leave it here as well…

    Check out for free places to stay while you are overseas! Couch surfing is such an awesome resource when traveling!!

    Have a blast in London!!!

  4. You got a Groupon to the Royal Wedding didn’t you! You must be well chuffed about that!! You have two tickets!! What a deal! If you don’t have anyone to go with, I’ll fly right over!!

    Definitely go on the London Eye — the largest Ferris Wheel in the world. It’s on the Thames across from Parliament and Big Ben, and it’s a pretty cool view from up top, although there might be a long queue. You should wander through Piccadilly Circus at night, which is like Times Square with its theatres and big lights. If you’re feeling peckish, Leicester Square is a very short walk from there, with many clubs, restaurants and pubs….

  5. My brother and sister in law live in London, so let me know if you need a place to stay or a tour guide!

  6. Will be on the south coast of the Isle in 39 days!!!! Family in Brighton/Hove area. Great pier in Brighton with rides/arcade/small souvenir shops.

    The two best tips I have involve use of slang words

    #1 Don’t call it a “fanny-pack” if you have one (or see one). Call it a “bum-bag”. “Fanny” is slang for a woman’s genitals.

    #2 If anyone asks if you’d like a “fag” they’re not referring to your sexual orientation. They just want to know if you’d like a cigarette.

    Knowing those 2 things alone could save your life! :) It’s a beautiful time of the year over there with the flowers in bloom.

    I second the suggestion for the London Eye and Piccadilly Circus. There are tons of things to do in London but some of the best things are out in the countryside. Hope you get to travel around a bit. Safe flight!

  7. this is such a cool idea , if you get to the west mids birmingham way, we have a room for ya ‘keep on grouponing’ nice one,think could help with some of the challenges too.

  8. Bacon butty = bacon sandwich

  9. First time in Europe? Well then, my advice is EAT. When my friend and I traveled, we ate our way through Europe. Find out what the most famous local dishes are and eat ‘em all up-popular appetizers, favorite desserts,etc. Pig out! I’ve had poppy seed cake in what used to be Czech; I’ve had some kind of white fluffy meringue with raspberry sauce in Salzburg; I’ve had Lindser tortes in Austria; and I’ve had the most amazing beers in Germany. Eat, drink, and be merry is my best advice. I’m sure there will be tons of groupons for doing THAT! : )

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